Over breakfast pancakes we talked about where to head next. We thought heading toward Shaw's Blind Bay sounded like a plan. But first we needed to top off our diesel tank (we use for the stove) and the port side water tank.
After filling the diesel tank, J. suggested that he bring a book ashore. Then the kids could transport the water (via two 5 gallon jerry jugs) to MERGANSER, empty them, and bring the empty ones back for him to help fill. L. mentioned that we also had two empty 1 gallon containers to add. M. volunteered to go first. She and J. sailed into shore, filled the jugs and sent M. back to MERGANSER with the water. M sailed part way, then ran out of wind, so rowed the rest of the way. Meanwhile, J. got to talking to some of the counselors from Camp Orkilla who sailed in on two J24s with the kids from the camp on Orcas Island. They were impressed with both M. and PIPPI.
At this point, J. started to realize how long this process could take. But he got some reading, of a studying nature, done in between watching out for the dinghy coming or going.
E. and M. both came back in for the next load. They brought their dear dad lunch when they came. They actually had good wind to make a quicker trip in, but ended up rowing half way back. Of course on the return trip they were carrying 12 gallons of fresh water so were heavier loaded, too.
Then E. came on in by himself, catching the very light cat's paw type breeze most of the way. I. wasn't feeling all that good, so was taking it easy, and M. had out done herself on the row back and was recovering. J. and E. made the executive decision that this was the last trip. 36 gallons wouldn't fill the port side tank (which holds a little over 40), but close enough for now. The starboard tank was still mostly full and we figured we could get more water later if that proved necessary. Sucia just has an easily reached water pump at one of the main camping sights. Makes sense to get water while we could and to leave with full talks.
J. spared E. the row back talking a turn at the oars for the entire distance. Besides, E. had challenged his dad to see if he could beat the time M. made just previously. On the way back, J. wanted to check on a small boat that impressed J. by sailing all the way in and anchoring under sail. Even with this detour, J. still had what it takes to beat the time challenge. "Ha Ha, try again next time kids!"
Ah, it felt good to sit in the cockpit and enjoy the sunset after time spent on shore all day, or traveling to and from. Again, it is so nice being on the water.
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