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Saturday, August 16, 2014

Hanging Out in Echo Bay

Saturday 16 August 2014 ~ Echo Bay, Sucia

Today we spent most of the day reading or playing a board game/card game the kids have created. It has just been great to finally relax. 
Later on the day as J. was relaxing in the cockpit, a man looking for his missing crab pot stopped by asking about MERGANSER. It didn't take long for the yarns to start. His yarns concerned his own experiences aboard his own boat, primarily relating to his adventure sailing to Hawaii and back. J. yarned about some of our experiences, but mainly just listened.

Such is the cruising life. Anyone here at Sucia already loves being on the water and special places like this. So a ready connection to meet new people already exists. 

Later on the Coast Guard came into their buoy. We remembered one time we were anchored in Echo Bay and a boat actually moored to the Coast Guard buoy. That made for an interesting evening when the Coast Guard showed up. No such cockpit entertainment this evening. 

Tonight M. has decided to try sleeping out in the cockpit. We'll see how it goes. 

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