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Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Summer Cruise: 2012 - Sucia to and at Shaw's Indian Cove

We had been talking about heading south for a day or so, waiting a wind. Instead the weather was hot and still. Then a breeze blew in and we were ready to go!

Our new friends on CURRAWONG were planning on heading down towards Friday Harbor. They were there when we checked things out at 0530, but when we checked things out again around 0900, they were gone. Would we see them on this leg of our journey? They knew we were headed for Fisherman Bay, Lopez. It would be fun to sail in company.

We left Echo Bay, and then quickly ran out of wind. Return? No, but it would mean a day of motoring. The Reverend hates motoring.

Here's our track on the chart (follow the purple yarn):

 Teach and M at the helm.

 About where these pictures and video are taken ... between Waldron and Orcas Islands.

 Trying to take some shots of the tide/current changing.

Meanwhile, down below:

Coming up on Jones Island. As we did so, two sea planes passed flying in formation. You can just make them out through the shrouds.

Meanwhile, on deck:

 See anyone in the Jones Island anchorage we know? Didn't see anyone we recognize as we motored between Jones Island and Orcas.
The pencil shows where the following picture and video were taken. We've just passed through the pass between Jones Island (just above the pencil) and Orcas - avoiding some north setting current.

 Finally! As we pass Friday Harbor, San Juan Island, we get some wind! UP Genoa! Turn off the engine! Hallelujah, we're making 4.3 knots. Cancel that, we just did 6.7! And - we're holding in the upper 5s! (Friday Harbor is on the left side with all the green squares).

 Rev. and M in the cockpit enjoying the sailing!

Not long afterward the wind died back down, and found us ghosting into our anchorage. Yes, it was really hot earlier, but when the breeze piped up it got chilly! We are sailing in the Pacific Northwest after all.

 Got to keep an eye on the sails as we turn down wind.

Ghost in, drop the sails and anchor.
Indian Cove, Shaw Island is open to the South, and we wouldn't want to be here if the wind piped up from that direction, but Northerlies were predicted, so we felt safe enough. Friday Harbor, San Juan would be an easy fall back (about 3 miles away or so).

Canoe Island, just to the right of the pencil, is a privately owned island with a French Language camp. The following day, we watched as the camp youth came over to the sandy beach for a couple of hours. This, in turn, brought back memories of working at church camp for the Rev and the Teacher.

The next day had us up, eating French Toast (of course!) and then packing a picnic lunch. To the beach we went. This is apparently one of the best sandy beaches in the San Juans, and seldom visited. A shame, for this is a great park with great camp sites. Maybe we'll meet up with family here sometime?

 "Another Queendom to survey, I see."

 The anchorage is smooth until these big guys go by, throwing up a wake! Glad they are done about 10:30 p.m.! Makes for a very restful night.

 Trying to catch the tern in the camera. Not so successful.

 Yummy! French Toast for breakfast.

See what we mean about the beach?

Shot of MERGANSER at anchor.

 I, M & E - with a melted chocolate I below.

 This sign says it all!

And at the end of the day, everyone returns to the boat for a great rest and a preparation to catch the tide to enter Fisherman Bay tomorrow.

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