We took a break from celebrating birthdays, changed venues (across the country) to celebrate a wedding back in Massachusetts (part 1 and part 2).
Upon our return, Auntie KT came up to help celebrate E.'s birthday.
Here are some snap shots of the festivities.
Celebrating Birthdays with Nana and Poppy (and Nana's Birthday, too)
Hanging out with Uncle M and Auntie A at Whatcom Falls
Of course, we've got to get wet!
Experiencing the train!
Celebrating with ourselves ...
"Dirt Cake" birthday cake for M. and I.
A New scarf for L. ...
If we smile nice, can we open our gifts?
Yeah! Socks!
Auntie KT arrived just after church finished, and so two families (counting KT as part of ours), joined a third at their farm. KT got such great pictures and it was such a great day, that we thought we'd include them.
Believe it or not, but this pup's head is now above table height! Such is the life of a Great Dane - Great Pyreness cross. We can tell he is going to be a fine dog.
Ok, so the horse does belong to the neighbors.
To celebrate his birthday, E. wanted P.I.E! So we went out to a great home-made pie place and had pie first, dinner second.
Then the three weeks of birthdays were over, and back to the regular routine.
Thanks for visiting, Nana and Poppy; Uncle M and Auntie A; and Auntie KT - you make our birthdays special.
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