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Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Summer 2013: Part 3 - Cruise to Gig Harbor and Back Overview

While E was at Jazz Camp, we worked on some small projects, organized, etc. and generally got ready to go.

When he finished up, we finished some more projects (they always take longer than we think).

We finally set off Sunday, August 4th for Sucia Island and the summer cruise commenced. We returned 22 days later! Yes! Great fun was had by all. What an amazing cruise.

The chart* (at right) shows our progress: 5 voyaging days down to Gig Harbor (blue, red, green, yellow and pink) and then 5 voyaging days back up home (blue, red, green, yellow and pink). While the chart doesn't give you everything, it does help to see where we were for those of you not familiar with the Pacific Northwest waters. (What are now referred to as the Salish Sea: Puget Sound, Juan de Fuca Straight, waters of the San Juan and Gulf Islands and the Straight of Georgia).

*This chart is modified from one found in DeLacy, Miller and Borton's Checklist of Puget Sound Fishes, Seattle Division of Marine Resources, University of Washington, 1972. Click to webpage.

For those of you who just like the pictures and videos, here you go ... Below is a video we put together this year of the high-lights. 

For those who want more stories and nitty-gritty details read on:

Projects this year:

  • painted the dinghies (Pippi and Longstocking); 
  • oiled up the wooden oars; 
  • built a new battery box; 
  • designed and built a "shelf" area behind the engine in the engine room; 
  • and installed shelving behind the starboard settee.

Here's the statistical data:

5 voyaging days down and 5 voyaging days back, as follows:
Down to Gig Harbor:
     ~ 4 August to Sucia: 18 nautical miles; 3.5 knots moving average
     ~ 8 August to Lopez: 24.4 n.m.; 3.2 m.a.
     ~ 11 August to Port Ludlow: 43.6 n.m.; 4.6 m.a.
     ~ 12 August to Blake Island: 36.5 n.m.; 3.9 m.a. (mostly under sail)
     ~ 14 August to Gig Harbor: 23.6 n.m.; 3.0 m.a.
Total Nautical Miles: 146.1
Back to Semiahmoo:
     ~ 19 August to Blakely: 21.5 n.m.; 4.1 m.a.
     ~ 20 August to Elgen Bay: 41.23 n.m. (lots of tacking); 3.3 m.a.
     ~ 22 August to Saddleback Island (via Swinomish Channel): 31.2 n.m.; 3.5 m.a.
     ~ 23 August to Sucia: 19.67 n.m.; 3.9 m.a.
     ~ 25 August to Semiahmoo: 18.63 n.m.; 2.5 m.a. (ghosted along under sail for part of day)
Total Nautical Miles: 132.23

Fuel consumed (motoring & cooking/heating):
     Started with 7 gallons in fuel tank + 10 gallons in 2 Jerry jugs
     Used the two Jerry Jugs on the way down and had ~ 5 gallons left.
          Filled up the 2 Jerry Jugs while in Gig Harbor (one twice) = 15 gallons
     Ended with 5 gallons in fuel tank + 0 gallons in 2 Jerry jugs.
           Total Fuel Consumed: 27 gallons
                    (some days were just amazing: motor-sailing from Blake Island to Gig Harbor when we only burned 1 gallon - other days, well ...)

Note: these miles are what we traveled via GPS (as are the moving averages) not the straight line miles (or velocity through the water), some days there were a lot of tacking (zig-zagging).


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