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Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Summer 2013: Cruise (1b) - To Blakely Harbor

Monday, August 19, 2013
Anchored, Gig Harbor

The time had come to start the journey home. While we were not ready to leave family and the good time we were having, we knew it was important to plan some extra time into the return journey in case of inclement weather or unforeseen events. We were still a bit in awe of how smoothly the trip had been so far (in black on the map - the blue became "today's" travel). But we couldn't leave without a birthday party for our August birthdays!

Auntie KT had baked a cake for Gramma (her birthday is the 19th) and even Auntie A. showed up (she has an August birthday, too). So here we celebrated the birthdays on the porch of the house next to the Gig Harbor BoatShop we mentioned in the last post. In fact, this is the porch, under which we beached the dinghy.

After singing Happy Birthday, blowing out candles and eating cake, it was time to depart.
KT photo

KT Photo

We should give a warning: Do Not Try This At Home - only stunt doubles were used!

KT Photo
Except that they weren't, and we did. We even got back dry!

It was all an experiment, however, to see what one of these home-made box dinghies could hold. Surprisingly, they held us all. Of course, E. is now officially taller than L. and both I. and M. are bigger, too. So, we really are not sure how much longer such a traveling option will work. But it did mean that before we came ashore, we could load one dinghy (LONGSTOCKING) and only use PIPPI - and only make one trip.

KT Photo
We should also mention that PIPPI was a little tender on the way back - definitely loaded down and a bit top heavy. While she still had quite a bit of free-board left (and might be able to take a bit more weight?), we'd want her to be loaded way down low - like below the seat level.

Be enough of our risky "Don't Do This At Home" behavior.

KT Photo

The important thing is that we made it back to MERGANSER nice and dry, in one trip, hauled up the anchor, and caught our tide out of the entrance and we started up Colvos Passage.

The passage was quite uneventful. We had a light wind, that switched half way up the passage, and so motor sailed the entire time. 5 1/2 hours later we were anchored in Blakely Harbor and looking around. L. wanted to make clam chowder for dinner, so she started that process while J. started stowing and covering sails. M. came up to help and covered the stays'l all by herself. Great to have help.

Then it was time to play made-up games that might look like chess, but are not, while taking in the sights.

We are not sure who "BUNY" is, but then, obviously, we are out of touch, only having just sailed in.

Again, it felt weird and at the same time cool to see the Seattle skyline.

As dusk fell, we put on sweaters, ate clam chowder and tried to take photos of the Seattle lights.

So you tell us: Are the lights blurry over in Seattle because (a) we were hit by an inopportune wave during a long exposure, or (b) because the ground in Seattle was shaking from a really big party over there?

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